Committee and Supervisory Board


of the Slovak Angiological Society of the Slovak Medical Association

doc. MUDr. Juraj Maďarič, PhD., MPH.


Department of Cardiology and Angiology NÚSCH a.s.
Pod Krásnou Hôrkou 1
833 48 Bratislava

MUDr. Ivar Vacula, PhD.

scientific secretary

Angiological – Internal outpatient clinic, VASA-CARE, s.r.o.
Halenárska 13/A
917 01 Trnava

doc. MUDr. Denisa Čelovská, PhD.


I. interná klinika LF UK a UNB Bratislava
Mickiewiczova 13
813 69 Bratislava

MUDr. Miroslav Širila


FN Trenčín
Angiological outpatient clinic II
Legionárska 28
911 71 Trenčín

MUDr. Andrej Džupina, PhD., MBA

member of the Committee,
main expert of the Ministry of Health for the field of angiology

Angiological outpatient clinic
ALIAN s.r.o.
sv. Jakuba 33
085 01 Bardejov

MUDr. Ewald Ambrózy, PhD.

member of the Committee

1st Department of Internal Medicine of LFUK a UNB Bratislava
Mickiewiczova 13
813 69 Bratislava

MUDr. Katarína Dostálová, PhD., MPH

member of the Committee

Angiological outpatient clinic
Nemocnica akad. L. Dérera UNB
Limbova 5
833 05 Bratislava

MUDr. Dáša Kmecová, PhD.

member of the Committee

Angiocare s.r.o.
Čsl. armády 18
040 01 Košice

MUDr. Štefan Pataky

member of the Committee

Trieda SNP 1
040 01 Košice

Supervisory Board

of the Slovak Angiological Society of the Slovak Medical Association

MUDr. Eva Bojdová

president of the Supervisory Board

MUDr. Ľubomír Fľak, PhD.

member of the Supervisory Board

Department of Cardiology and Angiology NÚSCH a.s.
Pod Krásnou Hôrkou 1
833 48 Bratislava

MUDr. Iveta Kopalová

member of the Supervisory Board

Angiologická a interná ambulancia
Angioderm, s.r.o.
Predmestská 57
010 01 Žilina